Launching out… a first post…

oars dripping patterns on waterHere we are on January 26 when I promised I’d launch this blogsite. Today’s blog is a bit of an experiment and I’m wanting to make sure everything (especially the audio snippets) are working properly. So please let me know (in the comments section — thanks.)

As a first post then, I’m making a suggestion about a portion of the lectionary that is fairly rarely the subject of sermons, in fact in many churches its sung and we might forget the Psalms are actually an integral part of the Scriptures given for our learning and growing in faith.

With that pre-amble, here we go! Watch for further posts as I get things up and running this week.


A suggestion for this week: The Psalm

Psalm 111 is short which lends itself to daily reflection on the psalm as a whole (rather than just one verse or segment). Reciting it daily,  letting its words really sink in—notice how repetition leads to shifts in emphasis and to ‘hearing’ the words differently each time.

In your journal or notebook, you might find yourself wanting to note some of the things that particularly strike you. Writing things down whether on your computer or on paper helps the thinking process.

You can listen to Psalm 111 here. *Note that this is the NIV version (New International Version). In future I will be reading from the New Revised Standard Version, unless otherwise noted.