Three reasons I’ve started this blog

a little light on the road...
a little light on the road…

1. Hearing is different from reading

As a parish priest / pastor (“retired”) I found often that after a week of preparation for preaching, I would ‘hear’ the text differently while a parish member was reading aloud to the congregation. There were different emphases, and different thoughts that were stirred as I listened. It struck me repeatedly how differently we ‘hear’ the text when others read it.

2. Weekly worship is more nourishing with daily study and preparation

One of the most delightful and enriching experiences in ministry for me has been discussing the passages for the coming Sunday with various groups that gather for reading and discussion and Bible Study over the week prior to Sunday morning. Countless times people remarked that they ‘got so much more’ out of Sunday morning’s worship and teaching when they’d engaged in thought and discussion of the text before Sunday morning.

3. Its part of what I just love to do!

Even after so many years of disciplined study and preaching and teaching, I am still and always learning. Indeed, I need to keep learning and grappling with the text. And, I learn most when I’m sharing and in discussion with others. So… thank you for being part of this with me.

2 thoughts on “Three reasons I’ve started this blog”

  1. Sarah, I am thinking of you and the lovely group on Galiano Island who will be reflecting and learning with you this evening as you continue with The Book of Book conversations.

    On Sunday past, as I was listening to the reading at my Winnipeg church, St. Lukes I was once again struck by yet another “translation”. I was listening to a much gentler translation; and, the verses adressing circumcision were omitted.

    I will miss your “voices”, thoughts, wonderings, and questions this evening, but I will be reading alongside you.

    1. Thanks so much, Joan. I’ll convey your greetings and good wishes to the group that meets this evening. We will miss you too! Wonderful that you could hear yet another translation as you worshipped in your Winnipeg church. The lectionary actually does skip over the verses that address circumcision, but I included those verses as they are important in terms of the context, and in terms of how Paul uses his ‘argument’ in Romans.
      I’m so glad to know you’ll be reading alongside us this evening from across the rockies, and the stretches of prairie. All good wishes. Sarah

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